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SUPER GUIDE: Business Models Sides

The Super Guide about Business Models Sides is an important overview of mental models that can help you better understand and use the business model canvases in your favor.

Today there are a wide variety of tools available for modeling businesses before giving birth to your new venture. The most popular is the Business Model Canvas, by Alexander Osterwalder. But there are other valid contributions, such as the Lean Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas.

But, no matter how simple and intuitive they might seem, sometimes, especially in the early days of your business idea planning, it may be overwhelming to fill in the canvases and to understand the applicability of the models.

The goal of this guide is to make you visualize the canvases like simpler mental models, by dividing them into macro perspectives, before you start visualizing and filling each block, individually.

Table of Content

Here’s the content you’ll find in this guide:

  1. Introduction
  2. Back Stage vs. Front Stage
  3. Efficiency vs. Value
  4. Create, Deliver and Capture Value
  5. Feasibility, Viability and Desirability
  6. Right vs Left Brain – Lean Canvas
  7. Product vs Customer – Value Proposition Canvas
  8. Conclusion

Read an excerpt from this Super Guide:

“Today there are wide variety of tools available for modeling businesses before giving birth to your new venture. The most popular is the Business Model Canvas, by Alexander Osterwalder. But there are other valid contributions, such as the Lean Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas.

But, no matter how simple and intuitive they might seem, sometimes, especially in the early days of your business idea planning, it may be overwhelming to fill in the canvases and to understand the applicability of the models.

The goal of this guide is to make you visualize the canvases like simpler mental models, by dividing them into macro perspectives, before you start visualizing and filling each block, individually.”

This is must-have knowledge for entrepreneurs and business model analysts, and consultants if you want to dominate business models, this super guide was made especially for you.

Business Models Sides - Cover

Business Model Sides - Inside Pages

Business Model Sides - Inside Pages

Business Model Sides - Books Cover

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