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SUPER GUIDE: Edtech Business Models

The Super Guide about Edtech Business Models is a complete guide on how the Edtech industry works and which business models thrive.

Table of content

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is An Edtech Business Model??
  3. Upsurging Interest In Edtech
    1. Three Well-Established Education Startups
      1. Chegg, Inc.
      2. K12 Inc.
      3. 2u, Inc.
  4. Trends Affecting The Edtech Industry
    1. Global Internet Penetration
    2. Data-Driven Decisions
    3. Virtual Reality
    4. Augmented Reality
    5. Conversational Ai
    6. Adaptive Learning
    7. Robotics
    8. Blockchain
    9. Game-Based Learning
  5. Business & Technology Trends In Edtech
    1. New Business Models
    2. Next-Generation Learning Experience
    3. Artificial Intelligence (Ai) Applications And Data Analytics
    4. Security And Trust
    5. Education To Employment
    6. Optimization
  6. Accelerated Demand For A New Digital Learning Environment
  7. Edtech Business Models — How Edtech Startups Generate Revenue
    1. Freemium Or Free Trial
    2. Top-Down
    3. Bottom-Up
    4. Sponsored
    5. Edtech Marketplace Model
    6. Ad-Sponsored Model
  8. Choosing The Right Revenue Model For Your Edtech Business
    1. The Customers You Serve
    2. Where Your Customers Are Based
    3. The Product Or Service You Are Selling
    4. Your Business Stage And Growth Plans
  9. What Are The Requirements To Start An Edtech?
    1. Know Your Market
    2. Study The System
    3. Pitch Right
    4. Know The System, Hire A Teacher
  10. Why Start An Edtech Startup?
    1. Better The Education System
    2. Budgeting
    3. Strategizing About Money Management
    4. Projecting Profits And Basing Them On Realistic Timelines
    5. Always Build Worst-Case Scenario Budgets
  11. Key Points To Consider Before Offering Edtech Solutions
    1. Not Affordable For Every Institution
    2. Priority Towards Data Security
    3. Not Easily Adaptable
    4. Technology Is Considered A Taboo In Classrooms
  12. Steps On How To Start An Edtech Startup
    1. Explore The Edtech Market: Your Niche Is Might Be The Most Problematic Customers
    2. Come With The Time-Relevant Business Strategy
    3. Invaluable Tech Resources: Find Your Development Partner
    4. Think Big, Start Small: Progress Over Perfection With An Mvp
  13. How To Create A Successful Edtech Startup Business Model?
    1. Have A Clear Understanding Of Your User Base
    2. Understand The Current Issues Or Loopholes
    3. Build An Mvp
  14. Steps To Create A Successful Mvp
    1. Identify The Target Audience
    2. Understand Their Requirements
    3. Develop An Mvp
  15. How To Build An Educational App?
    1. Edtech Market Statistical Analysis
    2. How Good Is Your Content?
    3. Ui/Ux Design For Edtech
    4. Testing An Educational App
  16. Why Investing In Educational Apps
  17. Must-Have Features For Your Education App
  18. What Is The Cost Of Developing An Edtech Business App?
  19. How To Monetize Your Edtech App
  20. Global E-Learning Market
  21. Where To Take Funding For Your Edtech Startup?
    1. Angel Investors
    2. Venture Capitalists (VCs)
    3. Crowdfunding
    4. Bootstrapping
    5. Corporate And Government Grants
    6. Accelerators And Incubators
  22. Why Kno, Schoolgennie, Tutorspree, And Other Edtech Startups Failed
    1. Kno
    2. Schoolgennie
    3. Tutorspree
    4. Treadmill
  23. Edtech Companies And Their Business Models
    1. Duolingo
    2. Khan Academy
    3. Masterclass
    4. Udacity
    5. Udemy
  24. Conclusion

Read an excerpt from this Edtech Business Model Super Guide:

“There is nothing new about EdTech, but many people don’t realize how far it has come. Coined from a combination of technology and education, the term “Education Technology” is often used to describe the use of information technology in education. To start to understand what EdTech is, think of anything that uses technology to deliver education directly to individuals in their homes.

Technology is not a new field in the world of education, although many articles online would have us believe it is. In fact, technology has been supporting the delivery of education for a long time, even before the term “EdTech” was coined. Most people don’t realize that an integrated approach to teaching and technology was already being used in the classroom setting as early as 1875, with the implementation of chalkboards and mechanical blackboards. Some would say that EdTech started in the 1990s with computer labs.”

This is must-have knowledge for entrepreneurs and business model analysts, and consultants if you want to dominate business models, this super guide was made especially for you.

Edtech Business Models

Edtech Business Models

Edtech Business Models

Edtech Business Models

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