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SUPER GUIDE: Google Business Model

The Super Guide about Google Business Model is a complete guide on how the success of Google may be attributed to a unique method of doing business.

Table of content

  1. Introduction
  2. A Brief History Of Google?
  3. Who Owns Google
  4. Google’s Mission Statement
  5. What Is The Google Business Model?
    1. Business Segments Of Google Business Model
      1. Search Engine Segment
      2. Advertising Segment
      3. Enterprise Product Segment
      4. Productivity Tools Segment
      5. Additional Products
  6. How Does Google Make Money?
    1. Advertising
      1. Google Ads
      2. Google Shopping
      3. Google Adsense
      4. Google Admob
      5. Youtube
      6. What Is Google Ad Bidding And How Does It Work?
        1. Display Network Campaign
        2. Search Network Campaign
    2. Google Pixel
    3. Youtube Premium
    4. Google Cloud
  7. Google Business Model Canvas
    1. Google’s Customer Segments
      1. Advertisers
      2. Publishers
      3. Users
    2. Google’s Value Propositions
    3. Google’s Channels
    4. Google’s Customer Relationships
    5. Google’s Revenue Streams
      1. Revenue From Other Sources
        1. Revenue From Google Maps
        2. Revenue From Google Translate
        3. Revenue From Google Workspace (Former G Suite)
        4. Other Google Cloud Products
        5. Revenue From Android And Play Store
        6. Revenue From Wear Os
        7. Revenue From Google Chrome
        8. Revenue From Devices (Made By Google)
        9. Revenue From Google Domains
    6. Google’s Key Resources
    7. Google’s Key Activities
      1. Crawl And Index
      2. Search, Match, And Present
      3. Improve Searching
      4. Build Ecosystems
      5. Marketing
    8. Google’s Key Partners
      1. Users
      2. Content Producers
      3. Advertisers
    9. Google’s Cost Structure
      1. Traffic Acquisition Costs (Tac)
      2. Sales And Marketing
      3. Datacenters Costs
  8. Google’s Competitors
    1. Search Engines
      1. Bing
      2. Yahoo!
      3. Duckduckgo
      4. Baidu
      5. Yandex
    2. Advertising
      1. Facebook
      2. Amazon
    3. Video-Sharing (Youtube’s Competitors)
      1. Tiktok
      2. Instagram
    4. Mobile Industry
      1. Apple
    5. Cloud
      1. Amazon Web Services
      2. Microsoft Azure
  9. Why Google’s Business Model Works?
    1. Search Engine
    2. Advertising
    3. Technology And Innovation
    4. Focus On Costs And R&D
  10. Business Model Of Different Google Products
    1. The Adsense Business Model
      1. What Is Google Adsense?
        1. Examples Of Adsense Sites
      2. How Does Google Adsense Work?
      3. The Pros Of The Adsense Business Model
      4. The Cons Of The Adsense Business Model
      5. How Do You Make Money With The Adsense Model?
      6. What Adsense Website Buyers Need To Know
      7. What Do Adsense Website Sellers Need To Know?
      8. What Buyer Persona Best Fits The Adsense Business Model?
        1. Lifestyle Larry
        2. Portfolio Paul
        3. Diy Dave / Newbie Norm
      9. Adsense Growth Strategies
        1. Creating More Content
        2. Paid Traffic
        3. Split Testing
    2. Google Chrome Business Model
    3. Google Maps Business Model
      1. What Is Google Maps?
      2. What Google Maps Service Offers: Quick Overview
      3. How Google Maps Works?
        1. Base Map Partners For Geological Maps
        2. Imagery Partners For Aerial Views
        3. Transit Partners
        4. Individual Partners
        5. Google My Business
      4. How Does Google Maps Make Money?
        1. Advertising
        2. Commercial Api
        3. Referral Fees
      5. How Much Money Google Maps Makes?
    4. Android And Play Store Business Model
      1. Where Does Android’s Revenue Come From?
      2. How Android Makes Money Through Google Play
        1. Google Play Books
        2. Google Play Games
        3. Google Play Store Purchases And In-App Payments
      3. How Google’s Android Makes Money Through Mobile Search
      4. How Much Money Android Makes From Google Pay?
      5. How Licensing Fees Makes Money For Android
      6. Other Ways How Google Makes Money Or Benefit From Android
        1. List Of Other Benefits
      7. How Much Money Does Google Make From Android?
  11. Organizational Structure Of Google
  12. Google’s Swot Analysis
    1. Google’s Strengths
      1. Leadership
      2. Brand
      3. Technology
      4. Revenue
    2. Google’s Weaknesses
      1. Privacy Policies
      2. Overdependence On Advertising
      3. Boycotts
    3. Google’s Opportunities
      1. Wearable Market
      2. Cloud Services
      3. Google Meet
      4. Expansion
      5. Revenue Diversification
    4. Google’s Threats
      1. Market Share
      2. Anti-Encryption
      3. Political Tension
  13. What Makes Google’s E-Business Model Unique?
    1. Sustainable Competitive Advantage
    2. Unique Network Presence
    3. Revenue Predictability
    4. Customer Retention Strategy
  14. Conclusion


Read an excerpt from this Google Business Model Super Guide:

“Because of the utilization of this business strategy, Google has been able to rake in billions of dollars from advertising. The company uses a broad range of online tools, including search, YouTube, browser, maps, e-mail, financial, and social sites, in order to keep a strong online profile in the eyes of marketers and other users of the Internet.”


This is must-have knowledge for entrepreneurs and business model analysts, and consultants if you want to dominate business models, this super guide was made especially for you.

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