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‘MONOPOLY’ FINANCE NICHE Shopify Turnkey Website With Ebooks Small Business Opportunity Master Resell Rights Bundle

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  • Unlimited Reprinting Rights
  • Unlimited White Label Resell Rights
  • Use for Clients or Employees
  • Customize it, brand it as your own or Upload to your LMS platform & Sell as a membership program

It’s not about money, it is about the process of managing it

If you can’t manage $100, you can’t manage $1,000. If you can’t manage $1,000, you can’t manage $10,000. And, if you can’t manage $10,000 you can’t manage $100,000. If you wish to become wealthy, it starts with basic money management. There is a reason why people want a bigger house, a more extravagant holiday and faster sports car but can’t afford it. People lack the personal financial skills needed to manage basic daily finances. 


The solution would be for you to offer a series of personal finance guides to help people get a hold of their finances. You, this finance online business for sale and our marketing resources with support can help people save, manage money and achieve financial independence. Who do you know who needs to control their spending? Sell them the solution…


‘Monopoly’ Finance Niche

^Discover this website. If you need a password to enter the store, please use '1234' but know that this is not needed to be entered by customers - only for some of our demo stores. This password gate will be removed when you launch the store.


Included products to sell

The following ebooks have been written by a topic specialist / researcher where the rights of the ebooks will be passed on to you. No royalties are needed to be paid so you can keep all 100% of the profit and revenue. When you start this business, you will acquire the Master Resell Rights for the following titles:


1. “How To Achieve Your Financial Independence" Ebook

Excerpt: “In the 21st century the concepts of time and money are being redefined. ‘'Financial Freedom'', is one such term that has gained much importance in the changing financial scenario. ''Financial Freedom'' means the freedom from continuous financial responsibilities through a planned management and allocation of assets. It frees a person from backbreaking work by giving him a steady source of income for life…” 


2. “Develop Your Financial IQ” Ebook

Excerpt: “The bottom-line: Trading time for money isn’t wise financial sense in the long term. You keep on increasing the hours just to win the rat race, but in the end of the day, you are still a rat on the mill! Increasing your wages only puts you in a higher tax bracket. Your salaries increase but so does your expenses on your house and car. How will you invest in yourself when all the time you spend working for a company, working for the government paying taxes and working for the bank paying off your house and car? What if you fall sick and can’t work tomorrow? Will the government take care of your family?…”


3. “Summer Saving” Ebook

Excerpt: “Every little trip to the vending machines for a snack or a soda, that loose change can accumulate quickly. Some other money saving tips will include how things operate in your household. Do you leave a light on when you leave the room? Do you let the TV on for background noise? Do you run the dishwasher or washing machine when there isn’t very much in it? All of those things use electricity. Turning a light out or the TV off may not save you lots each month, but you will see a decrease in your electric bill. Electricity rates are always on the rise, so if you can find some money saving tips that decrease your electric bill, the more power to you…”


4. “101 Money Tips” Ebook

Excerpt: “Turn off your electric stove earlier. Whenever you are using your electric stove to cook a meal, you should make it a practice to turn it off earlier than usual. This is because the plate on your stove usually stays heated even when the power is turned off. Thus, if you turn it off a few minutes early, then it can still continue to provide heat to your recipe…”


Why launch this starter store?


A starter store is a cost effective way to start an ecommerce business as it reduces your barriers to entry.


This starter store saves you time, effort and money and although non-exclusive, meaning others can startup this same store, the benefits are plentiful when starting out this pre-built ready-to-grow Shopify store. You won't need to pay a premium for a custom built website, product sourcing and all extensive activities associated with starting up a business.


Why launch this Startups Plus business? Is this you?

  1. You want to start a business and need to find a cost effective way to do so?
  2. You are new to ecommerce and want to learn how to run a business?
  3. You have started a business in the past and have struggled with marketing and would benefit from 1-to-1 marketing support?
  4. You want to become location independent and need a business you can run from anywhere?
  5. You want to start a low maintenance business which you can operate alongside a full time job?
  6. You have a medium to large social media or YouTube following and are keen to monetise your audience and fans?
  7. You like the idea of being an entrepreneur but don't know where to start?
  8. You wish to supplement your income?


We do encourage that you treat this store as a template which you can change, edit and improve to make it unique to you. As an idea, you could find new products to add, create a blog (the ability to do so is already included with this store) and edit the product’s content. That said, you can of course launch the store and advertise as is - which is what many customers do and succeed with.


What we have created for you:

This business is brand new but we have already completed everything which the store needs to launch and operate. We have designed a stunning website design and layout, written product pages and all store copywriting, selected all images, designed a logo, created product images, optimised the website navigation, designed all product collections, planned the product fulfilment to be 100% automatic, designed a cohesive brand image and have everything ready, optimised and waiting to be set up on the Shopify platform.